FL Senate Pres. Simpson (R) Illustrates the Problem With the Slow Progress of Gun Rights in FL.

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FL Senate Pres. Simpson (R) Illustrates the Problem With the Slow Progress of Gun Rights in FL.

Post by Miami_JBT »

Uh Oh! Spaghetti Os! I think Lee Williams and Marion Hammer triggered the Streisand Effect last week when attacked me for taking Cord Boyd to task.

Dan Zimmerman over at TTAG wrote a great piece showing corruption.

Florida Senate President Wilton Simpson Illustrates the Problem With the Slow Progress of Gun Rights in The Sunshine State


In the upcoming November, 2022 elections, Floridians will be stuck between a rock and a hard place. Florida’s current Republican Senate President, Senator Wilton Simpson has officially entered the race for Commissioner of Agriculture & Consumer Services. In the Sunshine State, that’s the office that runs the state’s concealed weapons permit program.

The seat is currently held by Democrat Nikki Fried, who is no friend of gun rights or law-abiding citizens carrying firearms. See here, here and here for examples.

Why is Simpson’s candidacy problem? Because Wilton Simpson is also the senator who authored the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act (SB 7026), otherwise known as the Parkland gun control and “red flag” bill.

So Florida is likely to go from someone in the Ag Commissioner spot who’s an avowed opponent of gun rights to one who poses as a friend, but authored the worst gun control legislation to become law in the state in the last decade.

Senator Simpson doesn’t bother to hide the fact that he authored the Parkland gun control bill, either. In fact he proudly displays it on campaign mailers (though he’s very selective about the parts of the bill he talks about).


Simpson’s candidacy surprised no one in the state and he’s the favorite to win the seat. Fried announced that she’s running for governor in 2022, challenging Ron DeSantis. That will leave the Agriculture Commissioner job open.

Simpson got a big boost in his candidacy for the Ag Commissioner job when he secured the endorsement from former President and Florida resident Donald Trump.

“I hope he runs for Florida Agriculture Commissioner in 2022 — he will have my Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump wrote. “Wilton has been a great supporter and worked hard to get many good Conservatives elected in Florida.”

While Florida’s farmers might benefit with Simpson in the Ag chair instead of Fried, Florida’s gun owners aren’t likely to. Back in 2018, then-President Trump congratulated Florida’s Republicans on their passage of Simpson’s gun control bill.

But wait…there’s more.

The gun control-supporting Senator Simpson is now working hard to persuade Pasco County gun owners that he’s really a big gun rights supporter…with the NRA’s help. The East Pasco Friends of the NRA have accepted a $5,000 donation from him for their event tomorrow.


Former NRA president and current Unified Sportsmen of Florida executive director Marion Hammer is pitching in, too. In recent communication under NRA-ILA heading, she called Senator Simpson one of the “true ‘Second Amendment Heroes’ of the 2021 Legislative Session.”


Hammer and the state Republicans celebrated the three gun rights bills they passed (and the anti-gun bills they defeated) in a legislature that is controlled by a GOP super-majority. Nothing passes — or fails to be considered — without their say-so.

Never mind the fact that the NRA is currently suing the State of Florida because of the same bill Senator Simpson authored. That bill, among other things, ended sales of firearms to adults under 21 years of age. Why is the NRA suing Florida over a gun control law on one hand and supporting the law’s author with the other?

Money and power.

The current chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, Senator Joe Gruters, made clear how all of this works after it was revealed that the Publix Supermarket chain resumed donating to Republicans after they announced that they’d stop donating to all politicians following the Parkland shooting.

Publix’s political contributions had resulted in protests inside some of their stores by anti-gunners looking to capitalize on the mass shooting and shame Publix into pulling its money from pro-gun politicians.

Gratified by the resumption of cash, Gruters declared Publix’s decision to resume the contributions a smart one . . .

“You can’t sit on the sidelines and think you’re going to be able to accomplish your legislative goals at the end of the year.”

Senator Gruters and Rep. Cord Byrd are counted among the “true Second Amendment Heroes” by Hammer and the NRA. Maybe that’s why TTAG contributor and the GOA’s Florida Director Luis Valdes was attacked by those with whom Hammer has influence when Valdes drew attention to what’s been going on in the state’s Republican-controlled legislature with regard to constitutional carry (and Rep. Byrd’s role in bottling it up).

What we have here are avid and skilled practitioners of the world’s second oldest profession — lawmakers using access-based lobbying as a tool to cultivate and control the way gun rights are “managed” in Florida’s GOP supermajority-controlled legislature. The NRA and USF provide cover for anti-gun Republicans who author gun control legislation and go on to kill pro-gun bills such as constitutional carry. In return they get support and donations.

Friends of the NRA events are “grassroots” campaign funding events. That’s where the local level members donate their hard-earned dollars to the NRA on the belief that the money will go to defend and extend their gun rights in the state.


The NRA and these politicians count on the average gun owner thinking that having an (R) after heir name along with NRA backing automatically means the legislator or candidate supports gun rights. That clearly isn’t always the case.

The end result is a shady relationship whereby each side benefits financially through donations to one another and in the end, little or nothing happens in the legislature to further the cause of Second Amendment freedom (think open carry and constitutional carry). And sometimes, those freedoms are even rolled back, as they were to resounding applause in 2018.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Hate to say this. But at the present decay of our government and it's hostile take over of Americans. Also the open display of contempt for the Constitution and Bill of Rights this rogue extremist political faction of our government that seized power are displaying.

I believe gun laws will not matter in the future.

But that's just an opinion. But we'll see how it plays out when millions lose their jobs and start to go hungry, loose their homes all because these TYRANTS are punishing Americans for disobedience to this LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY'S assertion of absolute power over a free people.

I mean logic dictates if they can out right ignore the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Then there is no law of the land. Remember they have openly attacked, demonized, ostracized and their patience is wearing thin against 80,000,000 Americans because in their own words. Their demands and attacks have nothing to do with FREEDOM or CHOICE. You will comply or else.

They have struck the match to start a fire that they ignorantly believe they control. We constantly speak of our freedoms, our liberties, constitution and the bill of rights.

Well the time to feed that tree of liberty is coming. Because a vile and corrupted dictatorship has seized power and now is demanding absolute obedience to their will. Gun laws.....they will attempt to regulate the 2nd admendment out of existence because they fear an armed AMERICA.

But again this is just an opinion. Why are Americans having to fight for a right that is recognized and protected in the Bill of Rights in the first place. Remember the Bill of Rights does not grant us rights. It recognizes those rights. But these vile and corrupted tyrants do not recognize nor follow our laws in the first place.

Our government has forgotten they are elected representatives. Not kings or queens put into office to rule over America. But instead to lead and recognize and protect our rights. But they are this very moment working on destroying them instead. After all it's not about FREEDOM or CHOICE and WE THE PEOPLE really means WE THE GOVERNMENT. Remember that being said.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by MiamiOffshore »

The Supreme Court has recognized and re-affirmed the individual right to bear arms. ALL office holders of EVERY government body in the U.S. have SWORN to uphold and defend the Constitution. Thus ANY mention or support for anything that supports the infringement of said Constitutional rights should be grounds for removal from office.
You can't yell fire in a crowded theater. As an office holder you can't do or speak out against the Rights of the people you swore to protect. Especially not ones that end in "shall not be infringed" there's no room for interpretation.

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Some great posts coming out of Miami :D
Agree 100% it seems they need to be reminded of their oath though. 8-)
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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